A Sweet Surprise…. Coming Soon!

Photo credit – Omar Mohatarem

This Eid, we stayed in Doha and my bestie Naveen and her family visited us (they used to live here in Doha and we had a homemade cake business.. read my blogpost “Behind the Scenes of Homemade Cakes, Doha”, if you want to know more about our sweet history ). We had a great time together… But what might interest you guys, is that we did something for YOU..   (YES! keep reading.. 🙂 ).

Friends on Eid… Photo credit- Omar Mohatarem

People who know her, know that very well about her.. that she is the “Queen of Desserts” and I am not saying that in any pressure whatsoever! (LOL.. No, she is not around while I write this and I am under no THREAT! LOL). On a serious note…Not because she is my friend … but honestly, she makes the MOST amazing desserts! I never used to eat desserts (as I don’t have a sweet tooth).. and prefer my savory stuff more.. but she changed that!! TOTALLY!

And since she moved to Doha, I stopped making/worrying about desserts for any dinner/party. Naveen would make them for me… I can’t tell you guys how much I miss that now! 😦 So I finally asked her for her recipes because I am addicted to her desserts and because she doesn’t live here anymore to make them for me..  *sigh*

So this trip, she made 5 (yes, FIVE!) of my most favorite of her desserts for me and my blog! Yippeee!!! Basically, she made while I took pictures, and then we ate them all! It was a very Sweet (in every way) holiday!DessertsbyNaveenCover

So watch out for some amazing desserts recipes, with easy step by step instructions (from Naveen) and pictures, coming your way!

3 thoughts on “A Sweet Surprise…. Coming Soon!

  1. Hina Raza

    Wow!!! You girls make the best team mA!!! And I second that Bano….Naveen does make the best desserts she thought me how to bake and I didn’t do any baking before meeting her….love reading your blogs Keats and even more excited for Naveen to be on it!!! Much love ❤️❤️❤️


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